Monday, 23 February 2009

Oil in AC

Here is someone who I treated for a GRT, pseudophake with an Acrysof len in, so no anticipated ant seg problems. Having sorted his retina out, proceeded to a direct PFCL to OIl exchange, everything went swimmingly, till right at the end - some oil made it's way through the zonules into the AC. You see a sign, the iris is suddenly not sitting on the IOL , but billowed forward!

Should I have done something more at that stage? Who knows, I decided to close up and posture patient face down - hoping to let the oil go back into the posterior chamber...

Did it work - Heck

5 days later patient has an iris plastered to the corneal endothelium, and running pressures over 50 inspite of maximal medication...

What should one do now?

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